
Say you Like Me


03-20-2013, 07:04 PM

The woods of this land were thick, an easy place for Ocena to catch a cat nap in. Well, perhaps more like a wolf nap, but the thought was the same. The female had ended up out here during the earlier part of the day, planning on just taking a quick nap before heading off to go hunting. Or perhaps, perhaps, to seek out Gargole. The male was never far from her thoughts, in all honesty. He was always there; his musky scent was always evident in the territory if you sniffed enough. It belonged to him, after all.

She wasn't sure how to describe this feeling. The way he made her feel. The way her heart leaped in her chest when she smelled his scent and heard his rumbling voice. He had chased away her fears with barely a word. And she would always support him, whatever he chose. Was that love? It certainly felt like it. It was hard to explain though. It was hard to put words to this amazing feeling. Ocena just hoped that it never left. That he never left.

The voice that had haunted her thoughts startled her out of a light doze. Ocena! Ocena! I must speak with you... Her head lifted slowly, and mismatched eyes slowly blinked open. Black ears twitched in the direction of the call as Ocena struggled to process what was going on. Gargoyle. Was calling for her. As soon as she figured this out, the female stretched slowly, rising slowly to dainty paws as she began to pad in the direction of the call. After a few steps, she found herself bounding forward, excitement rushing at the thought of seeing Gargoyle.

It didn't take her long to pad into the clearing, smiling up at the significantly larger male. "Yes, Gargoyle?" Her tail wagged a little as she padded closer, waiting until the distance separating them seemed negligible before she stopped, tilting her head up to look the much larger male in the eyes. "What is it?" What had drawn him out here in such a rush, in such a panic? She was curious and distinctly eager to know what had happened.
