
Mean Street



4 Years
01-28-2014, 12:29 AM

Ebony paw placed before ebony paw in a smooth and steady manner. Baldur was working on his balance and coordination. He'd always been a bit klutzy and that had gotten him into trouble in more ways than one and now was time to put that part of himself in the past as well. The pale brute was moving gingerly along the bank of a massive river that seemed to stretch on for miles. It was breathtaking and he paused for a moment to look. This time he actually stopped instead of looking and trying to step at the same time which usually resulted in his immediate face planting and/or injury. See.. he was learning. Thor would be proud.

It was then he caught Akemi's scent as well as that of Eyfura and not much later he heard Eyfura's call. Now what did she want? Probably trying to rally the troops or some such? but he was curious and had nothing better to do. Baldur had to admit he'd always been a bit jealous of Eyfura. At 37" Baldur enjoyed lording that extra inch over the likes of Loki but it was a small thing when one of his sisters was taller still.

Grinning he pranced into the company of the fae but it looked like Akemi was already starting to brew a confrontation. Why couldn't they all just get along? Not that he was one to talk. Baldur bit back a snicker at the site of wee Akemi and the giantess Eyfura.

"Hey Akemi. Greetings Eyfura, what's with the summons?"