
Ashes to Ashes


01-28-2014, 01:12 AM
It would happen that the strange woman would make herself known, and Roman's violet eyes would come to rest on that of an ebony colored woman whose green eyes sparkled, contrasting the dark color of her coat. She was pretty, but the ivory woman wondered if her beauty was the only thing the dark woman could contribute to Glaciem. When the woman spoke greeting her, Roman immediately replied, with a soft, "Greetings." She would watch with a passively amused face as the woman would bellow at the crows, a chuckle rumbling from within her chest. The birds didn't seem to perturbed and she openly would laugh as they returned quickly immediately after the woman's howl.

As the stranger apologized from her rudeness, Roman's laugh would subside, a slight smile to her jaws. "Those birds are annoying on the best of days." She agreed, before going on to introduce herself. "I can tell you are new to our empire. I am Roman Armada, and you are?" She was pointed in her desire to know the names and many titles of each wolf here, making it part of her personal agenda too know each wolf personally. "Made yourself comfortable here?" She would go on to ask, conversationally, curious to know more about the strange fea.