
Gods & Swans



10 Years
01-28-2014, 01:15 AM

The atmosphere of the unfamiliar terrain was calm and relaxed. Nothing made too much noise and the weather was pleasantly warm. Birds were lounging among the trees, enjoying their solitude and food that seemed to come to them at will. What they were used to would soon be disturbed by a stranger that was stalking the area. They kept their guards up and lucky for them, they came in handy.
Soft paws had carried Odette to the land and her whole form followed tu suite. She remained silent as she cautiously walked through the forest, taking in the details and hoping they would stay in her mind for years to come. What she saw was breathtaking and the atmosphere was wonderful, indeed. If she had been eager to relax and enjoy the peace, it would have been a nice way to spend the day. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
Her stomach satisfied from the morning breakfast, Odette didn't feel hunger rising anytime soon. She searched the area she currently stopped in and tried to find low branches with relaxing birds on them. An eyebrow rose when she noticed a body of water a little ways ahead. Storks and herons took their time walking through it, looking for food or other morsels to nibble on. She smirked and softly chuckled before she figured a short path to it. Paws picked up speed and she raced through the trees, causing the nearby birds to fly off their perches. As they cawed and made her presence known, Odette began barking and mirth danced in her eyes as she exited from the safety of the trees. Large, black and gray body shot free from the woods and into the pond. She didn't mean to collide with the birds, but she did anyway and continued to race after their fleeing forms. Her barks vibrated and bounced off the nearby structures as she ran around in small, tight circles. Water fell and rose with her steps and soon her lower half was drenched. The birds had disappeared and relocated, but the small spurt of energy disappeared as fast as it had come. So, she began to swim towards the willow in the middle of the water with a triumphant grin on her face.

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