
Say you Like Me

Gargoyle I


03-20-2013, 07:47 PM


She came so quickly to his call. And so calmly. Did she know how happy it made Gargoyle to watch those little white paws of her's picked their way through the snow? Did she know how his heartbeat swelled she she tilted her head up at him like that? Did she know how absolutely beautiful she was in his eyes? How worthy of praise and protection?

"Ocena..." he began - and then stopped, for he was surprised at his own voice. He'd meant it to come out in a steady, strong rumble, but instead it was...softer. It held emotion in the notes it struck. It was how wolves normally talked, but it was strange for this northern beast. Gathering his thoughts as best he could in light of this new found freedom, Gargoyle spoke, and as he did so he gazed into those captivating eyes. With her craning upwards and he looking down, their noses almost touched.

"I told you Ocena, that I have feelings for you...but at that time I told you I did not trust myself enough - I couldn't act on those feelings." The male drew in a breath. "But the simple truth is that now I believe I can. I'm always going to have my faults and my past, but you - and Glaciem as a whole-" he added lifting his eyes to the ring of pine spires that hid them from the outside world. "-made me believe that I can have a future. More than that - that I can guard and guide the futures of others."

The heart within the beast stirred and beat all the stronger. The drake leaned forward and touched the rubber tip of the damsel's nose with his own. Such a tiny gesture. Yet his whole face became aflame and atingle with sensation from the little wolf's kiss he'd given. It was the first time he'd been so bold as to make such a gesture, and however small it might seem to those who were long used to the passion between mates - for this new lover it was huge. Enough to have made his head spin, yet somehow he kept it. His words continued, rumbling out so grave and so heartfelt. "And now... now those futures are looking up. I've reconnected with my brother - Crusade is gaining the goodwill of other packs - our packland is slowly swelling with members. For once life is as it truly should be." With the feeling of his words the male had lifted his head. His chin high, his stance spread, he truly looked the part of the king that he was by birth and by ability. In his life, goodtimes, had been the exception rather than the rule, and he knew better than to waste such precious periods as this with a lazy eye and assumptions of forever."Only one thing remains to make this world perfect..."

It wasn't in Gargoyles to be lazy. He was a dark, quiet figure but he was a wolf of action. He'd made up his mind, and now, though love's shy shivers made his belly do a flip-flop, he struck on couragously. "Be mine Ocena. The love between a male and fae is something utterly foreign to me and yet I know it is that love which I feel for you. Will you be the Queen to my kingdom and the mate to my soul?"

And as those words left his muzzle the world seemed to hush. The blanket of snow which still smothered the ground, snuffed out all sound but the subtle suggestions of the wind... and the roar of Gargoyle's blood in his ears as he trained them on the little huntress who now held his heart in her paws.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~