
The day is bright


01-28-2014, 02:06 PM

The daylight filtered through the tree's easily. Giving the slightly blind woman ease. Things were still blurry from the ash that had entered her eyes but at least she could see things around five feet in front of her and use her senses to her advantage. Her tail flicked as she lapped up the water. Placing her snout farther in she held her breath and then raised it with a gasp shaking it to free the water. Blinking, she had hoped that would clear her sight, but nope it was still there. Being a healer herself she knew it would clear, there was no permanent damage to her eyes thank god. Vahva had only regretted not being able to save those in need since when it was first like this she couldn't see anything at all. Her eyes closed tightly before she opened them again. Her bright blue mane shining within the sunlight.
Oh well, there was no use complaining about it. With her job as digamma, and currently helping Ryu and her mate with pups in their way. Loners had a high risk of losing young if they didn't have a healer. Vahva was not going to deprive new life a chance in the world, its not like they were a threat to Valhalla nor were they connected to Glaciem. She was keeping up with her duties in Valhalla, and of course they came first so she saw no problem with it. The wolf had been developing a new more happy attitude if it meant anything since she arrived. Compared to the endless days of depression from being the ice queen to a pack that had once held her as prisoner. She was still strong though, that was one thing that'd never change.
