
Shadow of the Day


01-28-2014, 02:29 PM

Okay... so being well mannered was harder than she thought. Still, she was trying. The girl knew, at the very least, her actions worried Baldur... and possibly other siblings as well, though she wasn't sure. Maybe Thor... but did the others even care enough? Eh... The female was thinking about looking for Hati again... but... well... Akemi didn't exactly have the best sense of direction in this land yet. She was completely and utterly lost, and it was only by some miracle she kept running into siblings. Every time she came across Baldur now, because he was the most frequent to run into, Akemi felt happiness stirring in her heart... and the girl had a better hope for the future.

Her wanderings would lead her to an orchard, and part of her wondered if she should hunt. She wasn't too terribly hungry, but, well, keeping her strength up with food wasn't necessarily a bad idea. The female would stalk along, eyes of crimson scanning the land as she moved, silent, ears pricked and nose twitching to catch the scent of her possible meal. Light was fast fading from the world... but hunting at night didn't bother the small femme. If it made it more a challenge, well, she would accept that challenge.

A form would soon start to be seen in the distance. A small, furry form... couldn't be any bigger than her. This... actually made Akemi curious. So she would maneuver so she was off to the left, trying to sneak up and see what it was that was laying underneath the tree. As she got closer, catching the scent, she would realize who the furry form was. A member of the old pack... a brother. She would frown a bit, perking her ears up. She didn't particularly know him on a personal level... but he was the pack's old punching bag.

Akemi had never participated in acts against him however, even risking beatings herself for it, though they were often in private. If the girl saw him being mistreated she would simply shake her head and walk away, refusing to go after him. Had that had also been her fate, she had wondered, if she was born a male rather than female if that would have been her life as well. The female would stop, looking at her brother with almost a sad, understanding look.

In the end they were both misfits of the old pack. Akemi had felt bad for him, especially when she was younger. That pack... had ruined all of them... in different degrees... but each of them bore their problems from it. Clearing her throat Akemi would make her presence known, padding until she was in front of Tyr and sitting down. Her entire posture was relaxed and calm, the gaze in her eyes soft.

"Is life treating you a little better here, brother?" Her words would come out surprisingly soft. She meant him no ill will... though she was kicking herself for not being able to remember his name. Well, it wasn't like that had done anything together when they were younger... she had often either stuck to her own litter mates or was off getting tormented by those damned three brutes. Hell, would he even recognize her? Maybe by scent...

talk, think