
Say you Like Me


03-20-2013, 08:31 PM

The way that his voice seemed to soften when he spoke her name had a shiver tracing its way up her spine. The normally cold voice almost seemed to curl around her name. And okay, she was probably reading way too much into this but it was nice. Nice to hear an emotion that she knew he felt filling this normally emotionless voice. And to some it might not have seemed to be a big deal, but Ocena had known Gargoyle for a while now and he had never seemed so . . . emotional. It certainly made her more curious than ever about what was going on.

They were close, close enough that her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, echoing loudly enough that she was sure Gargoyle heard it. The strength filling his voice made her fill with pride until she was ready to burst with it. Listening to him speak about something with confidence that he had doubted not so long ago made her want to jump around in pure joy. She had always believed in him. Things might have seemed dark to him, but she had always been able to see the strength. And now it seemed that he could as well.

She was opening her maw, half ready to reply when his nose touched hers. Her thoughts skidded to a half at the sudden display of affection and the female stood there, dumb and frozen for a moment as her heart raced in her chest. She was frozen, her head spinning and it was a struggle"Gargoyle." She tested the name out, trying it in her maw, "Was there every any question of my answer?" There was amusement in those mismatched eyes, but more than that there was joy racing in her mind. She knew what she was going to say. She had known what she was going to say since the day they confessed their feelings for each other.

There was no point in waiting any longer. Almost as soon as those previous words spilled from her mouth, Ocena was stretching up to lick the larger male's cheek, tail wagging joyously in the air. "Of course, Gargie, of course. I love you." It was thrilling to say those words out loud, to hear them tumble out and fill the frosty air. "It sounds so . . . official." There was a pause, and then Ocena said the most daring thing of her life. "But we could make it more official, you know. With pups." Her heart was thudding as she spoke, racing in her chest as she gazed up at Gargoyle.

Pups. They would be a sign of Glaciem's prosperity and health. And more than that, they would show the world that he was hers and she was his. And yet, he might not want a family. He might not be interested at all. And Ocena would accept that, if that was how she felt. All there was left to do know was to wait, her heart racing, questions dancing in her head.
