
Lost In Time & In My Mind


01-28-2014, 06:08 PM

He did it. Somehow. He managed to force himself to leave the cave at the southern shore that he called home to go out and find something decent worth of food. Although he liked fish, his stomach refused to consume anymore. And at the beach, no deer or other creatures resided there, so he wandered away to find something else. But was it really hunger that made him go outside? He had remained in that cave for well over a season, perhaps even two, hiding away from the world...his young mind felt tired, exhausted. Like it might fall apart any minute, and yet...he was still sane. His usual aqua blue gaze was void of happiness, the usual perky air he carried about him seemed to diminish. He wasn't sure why, but this wasn't the same boy that had arrived here, no. Something changed him...made him constantly carry a sad look in his eyes, and he always trying to hide it now behind fake laughter and smiles. As of late, anyway. He hadn't even talked to another since he became a hermit in his cave.

The spring grass was green here, lush and verdant with many flowers and...prey. Drake could smell the prey nearby, and in an instant he could see a small herd of deer nibbling at the grasses. He watched them, unmoving as he sat down. A sigh escaped his lips...seemed he didn't even have the energy to hunt. He wasn't even sure if he was hungry, his stomach was but his mind refused the need to eat. He figured that if he went after one now, and if he did manage to catch it, he would end up just leaving it there for someone else. Then again, it had been quite a long time since he hunted anything other then fish...perhaps this was a waste of time after all. There was nothing for him here, perhaps he would return to his cove...the morning Sun reflected off his aqua gaze, creating a sparkle that was not his. He wasn't happy in the least....he felt...lost. A heavier sigh escaped him, the boy sliding onto his belly, head places on black gloved legs.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think