
we don't have to live this way


01-28-2014, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2014, 06:16 PM by Sendoa.)

It was time, actually.. it was long past time for the two of them to come together - alone. Her heart ached for him, as it always did, and yet somehow that aching felt different now, different than before. She recalled how wonderful it had been to stand beside him at the meeting, if only just to feel his warmth, his very being at her side. He held within his chest the epitome of strength, the very definition of power - and she was addicted to it. But at the same time he still had his faults, faults which she saw, experienced, and loved him anyway. Perhaps she was the first to adore him for these traits, perhaps she was not. Nevertheless, she loved him and she wanted to see him that very moment. Crown would tilt back dangerously over her spine as she let loose a call for he and he alone. She would wait, her back to the rushing water. The moon shone high above her, full and bright in its current state. There was not a cloud in the sky. A million stars framed the moon, and she would gaze at all of them in waiting for his arrival. It was almost as if the night sky was a canvas, and she its observer.
