
Even stone will crumble


03-20-2013, 08:36 PM
Midnight lay underneath the bows of the tree her stumpy black tail thumping gently against the wooden trunk her eyes where almost closed though her ears continued to rotate on top her head she heard the movement of leaves only seconds before the other wolf entered the clearing. She sat upright her back pressing into the rough bark and her hackles raising slightly, she had thought herself alone. She considered turning and taking flight, she had not planned to find another wolf, wolves where dangerous and she ? was not at the top of her game,'i should have slept sooner' she thought but the dame had asked a question.

?i live out here,? she replied casually enough though her hackles did not drop, ?well more to the north normally but with the thaws I decided to move on,? she looked over the wolf carefully catching sight of her stubby tail, she tucked her own behind her, and the scares over her right eyes she looked the wind changed bringing with it the dames scent, a pack scent, she did not know this land, not as well as she knew her northern home, but surly she would remember crossing a pack border, but what if she had missed it... she glanced around nervously her nostrils flaring as she searched for the scents of this wolves pack mates, trying for casual but not quite pulling it of she asked ?why, should I not be here?? she shifted slightly settling her paws into position for flight or fight her head held low. She had not come looking for a fight, really all she had wanted was sleep, but if that was how this was going to end well she would rather face one wolf then five.

((ooc: sorry its a little short))