
feels like the first time~


01-28-2014, 06:45 PM

The sound of another life form stumbling about in the darkness of the den brought the tiara of the pale faced lass lower, curiously gazing into the den to spot a sweet face. How strange, he was indeed an albino, but he also possessed little patches of colouring similar to Sendoa's all over his tiny frame. How interesting, such a rarity indeed, which made the lass' muted rose optics glimmer with intrigue. However, she would not push the youngster to meet her, all children moved in their own ways. Yet another albino pup would appear, a spitfire if anything. A soft chuckle would fall from dark lips as she took this in, seeing how the girl bonded easily with one of her other young siblings, Drashiel. Interesting, was there possibly more than a friendship in the futures of this pair? A cute thought, but far from impossible.

No sooner than all this occurred, the Queen of Glaciem would step from the confines of the den. She would chide disapprovingly to the young boy who looked so much like her, forcing the russet dame to stifle a giggle. ?Hello Sendoa, how are you doing?? Soft lyrics would inquire, sweet as honey while she watched the events to follow. Ushering the other pup from the den, the cobalt Queen would address the sweet looking youngster as Kuvio. So both of these babes possessed magnificent titles beginning with the same letter, that was quite a unique thing to do. Now, in came her father, hauling a strange carcass with him. He informed them it had once been a seal, which took her interest. Stepping closer to it, orchid gaze would flick over the spotted body and take in it's form. How strange, it was clearly a creature of the water, as she knew well enough, having heard of them before. But when she had seen the lone seal in her travels, she hadn't the opportunity to really examine it. It's fins all had claws, strangely enough, and it had no ears. Truly, a very alien creature that would not last a second on their lands. Returning to her original spot, she waited for Sendoa and the others to eat their fill, knowing better than to just help herself to something not meant for her in the first place. Hearing the youngster pose a question, she would grin sweetly. Turning to face him, sweet alto lyrics would fall forth and be infused within the air around them. ?I'm one of your big sisters, and you can call me Eu if it's easier.? She would tell the little one, smiling sweetly as she met his emerald optics. Kyarst looked so much like his mother, it was nearly an identical match, besides the obvious gender difference.

When Kyarst asked what they were supposed to do with the seal, she chuckled and let Drashiel explain, since she was enjoying seeing how this younger generation was so energetic and sweet, much different from many of her other siblings. Sibelle, for example, was nothing like these little ones; neither was Sin, who she had met briefly in the past. Her family was quite varied, and it was undoubtedly interesting to her. Seating herself calmly amid the group, she would watch the goings on of her family members. What must these sweet babes think of her? She hoped to spend a little more time watching over them, so hopefully they would grow to like her. Sighing contentedly, she waited for her turn to take in some of the meal Isardis had offered.