
Memories and Places



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-28-2014, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2014, 07:23 PM by Erani.)

She was fully healthy now, and physically ready to head to the pack. Surreal's visits were regular, every time she got to the end of a patrol. There was something in the air, recently, that had Erani feeling a bit better, emotionally, than she had since the siege. True, it was Spring, and technically her season for mating and bearing a litter, but since her mating with Nova, and her litter? She hadn?t experienced another cycle since. Nova? As her head lowered to lap from the spring fed pool beside her cave den, she paused to stare into her own eyes, though the image of her reflection was highly distorted by the small waterfall that fed the pool.

Why had he gone? Gone and never come back? A slow sigh brushed against the rippling surface, and she brushed the thoughts aside, drinking her fill before turning away from the stream and gazing about the wide area that made a perfect place for patients to rest in the shade of the ravine, or for pups to gambol without worry of predators from above. Her ears folded back. So many happy memories. Her youngest children struggling to get their small bodies up the three natural stone steps that led into the main chamber of the den when they were still small. Surreal and Arella rolling about in the fresh snow, while Gabriel sat off to the side. Castiel joining the play. Lyric settling beside Gabriel.

Of all her youngest, Surreal was the only steady one, the one to stick around like a burr in the fur. Arella was sometimes in, but would be gone again before Erani would have a chance to catch her. The remaining three? Eyes became downcast for a moment, silently mourning the losses.

Turning, Erani padded down the ravine, leaving the entrance behind, and stopping as she remembered how she?d found the den. After mating with Nova, she had found a path, and taken it. A small paradise within a paradise. Happy memories, painful memories. Cairo, in all his disappointed anger after her reaction to Collisions attempt at marrying Chrysanthe to Maverick. Waking up one morning to realize how long it had been since she?d seen her mate and eldest son last. And waking once more to find Gabriel gone. Had she been a good mother? She had tried? Yet only one of her litter remained.

With a sigh, she headed toward the borders. She would stop by Friction and Eria?s den first to see if they wanted to come to the pack with her, as the pups would certainly be much safer within the protection of a pack, than outside. Then she would start her trek to the family.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think