
Outside In



01-28-2014, 07:38 PM

Razo's first impression of the fae was one of stubborn pride and bravado, and he found it strangely endearing. The big man could not help but allow a small smile to flit to his lips. He shrugged at her claim of refusing handouts; it made no matter to him. The rabbit was there, and it was hers. Whether she ate it or not was his business. "Folk would call me a poor host if I let a sodden fae shiver and starve. But if you refuse, I'm sure the coyotes would be glad of the meal." He shrugged and sat, glad that she had not, as of yet, launched herself at him. Rip her throat out, the other voice said, and Razo blinked him back. Sink your claws into her flesh and tear. He stood to disguise his shiver, turning his back on the fae and on the demon, choosing instead to survey the approaching storm. He wondered if it might not be better to take his leave now, lest he be caught in this restricted place with her. He had seem lighting strike the smallest target in this flat, smooth land, and he knew he would be no less endangered if caught abroad. His broad shoulders heaved with a sigh. He looked over his shoulder, a weak smile on his face. "I can understand a dislike for company, truly. I've only just wandered away from a few very lonely weeks in isolation. It's not very enjoyable, in my opinion." Yes, those weeks in the Rock Garden had been long and strange, but Razo felt he'd come out all the better for it. It had taken him a long while to realize the strange pit within him was not anger or blood lust, but mere loneliness. A month ago he would have been reduced to a quaking pile of fur if confronted with such a headstrong companion, but now it seemed a welcome diversion from long days under the sun.

"Talk" Think "You"
Some walk the common paths, all nice and worn

But all folks are damaged goods

It ain't a talk of "if," just one of "when" and "how"

So, collect your scars and wear 'em well