
Out Last Night


03-20-2013, 09:25 PM

Standing there like a lump on a log was getting him nowhere, but sooner or later the freezing cold would hopefully serve to quell the raging fire in his loins. He knew, however, that that fire would return almost instantaneously. It was always there, driving him mad. He was standing, his tail swaying behind him more because of the wind than any actual effort. Ears remained at half-staff, in both a relaxed and casual pose. Eyes were narrowed due to the snow and biting wind, and his head tucked down ever so slightly to bring his chin closer to his throat for warmth and protection. All in all he looked positively miserable - and wasn't taking any effort to get out of the situation which made him feel this way. That was Marvel.

He didn't have much time to sulk, however, before a beautiful and quite young damsel happened upon his location. Silver eyes would widen to spectate her frame, finding it flawless and quite beautiful to behold. A dame worthy of admiration, and worthy of a good shagging, if she'd let him. A sly grin would curl on one side of his lips. She spoke loudly, no doubt battling the harsh wind, and he would take a step toward her to lessen the need to yell. I'm hardly the fairest one here, but I thank you for the compliment. Charming as ever. My name is Marvel. He would offer a sort of mock bow. And yours, sweet girl? While if any other wolf said the same phrase it would be seen as creepy or unappealing, from Marvel's lips it was as smooth as honey and as desirable as wine. The man knew how to charm, if nothing else.

Ah yes, he would try his very best to get with this girl. He only hoped her precious daddy or mommy wasn't wandering somewhere out there to conspire against him. Creme coat would float forward as he narrowed the gap even further, stopping at a respectable distance and questioning her with a cock of his head. My dear, are you lost? Tone was genuinely concerned. He could help her out, and then she would owe him. Ah yes, the perfect plan.
