
Arigato, my friend?


01-29-2014, 01:53 PM

Kyu only knew half of where she was, or who she was for that matter. The hurricane that brought her here must have given her slight amnesia. She remembered trying to get everyone to safety with her father(or was it?), then being swept away in the storm. The once peaceful buildings of her home on the island suddenly turned into strange lands that she had never seen before. Not that it bothered her that her mind was a bit fuzzy on everything before. After all, she was still the same old Tankyu-sha right? The canine shook her head and smiled, this was no time to be thinking of those things. She needed to find someone to be with before the night hours. Less she shiver and have continuous nightmares for that time. Were there any dogs around here? What sorts of creatures ruled these lands. From the was wolves. That scared her, but excited her at the same time. She had only come across a wolf once, and that memory was fuzzy just like the others, but she remembered that she had met one, and that was the important part.
The tiger stripped woman made herself to the lake starring at it oddly. Looking at her reflection, pink eyes reflected across the surface. It would be a few hours until sun down she had plenty of time. This would be a good adventure right? At least it would teach her something, even with how wary of strangers she was. Kyu gave a sigh, lowering her head to take in the water as a valuable resource to her body. After she finished, her ears perked to the sound of the birds. Yes, she was alone, and she didn't like it, but she wouldn't let that show. Only standing at a mere 20" and weighing in at 40 lbs if she wasn't careful she'd be eaten up by these wolves. Then again they wouldn't do that unless she attacked them right? Were wolves viscous? Were they all friendly? She didn't know, her memory of her meeting was not there. Grumbling she sat on her rump curling her tail, fluffy as it was, around her hind quarters.
