
Say you Like Me

Gargoyle I


03-20-2013, 10:06 PM


Ocena's words brought a glorious shattering to the silence. She would! She would have him! Gargoyle had a mate! Better than that - he had Ocena for a mate! He hadn't thought a greater swell to his emotions possible, yet the wave of them crashed over them with the utterance of Ocena's first words.

He barely heard the next. The male rocked on his hind legs and swung suddenly forward. For a moment his jaws latched harmlessly about the girl's scruff and in that moment he swept her off her feet. The male was massive compared to Ocena and his brute strength was more than what was needed to give his love a tackle. He rushed forward, falling as he did so and the movement drew Ocena back off her paws - and into his soft belly fur as he landed with a thump on his back. They made a crater in the snowbank and Gargoyle wrapped his forelegs around the fae, keeping her close and away from any prying eyes in the world above.

And in the privacy of those close snowy walls he gave her a second kiss. His cheek still burned where she'd touched him but now he ran his tongue caressingly over her skull - licking delicately over her right eye. Ocena. His Ocena.

And then, as if only just hearing the word for the first time, the male started. "Pups?"

Yes. He was certain he'd heard her! Gargoyle was also certain he could feel Ocena's heart skipping just above his own. Their closeness was a thing unheard of to the male... and so perfect. Pups? Yes, he wanted pups. But the bliss at the thought of Ocena baring his children was too much to allow him room to speak. At least at first.

Gargoyle's chest seemed about to explode. But now there was no shyness. They were eachother's now and no viel need curtain one off from the other. From now on their hearts, their souls, their minds were two in one. It was such a bizarre feeling, and yet so natural at the same time. Why had Gargoyle not admitted all this before.

And in the sentiment, there was an element of the physical too. The callings of spirit and body blended now as they were meant to. They were so close now... Gargoyle had known her to be in her fertile season for some time, but he was no beast unable to control himself in the presence of females. Many of the other faes in Glaciem were in heat too, but that fact only turned his thoughts towards better security against other, untrustworthy males. Ocena though... that was different.

Gargoyle stared up at her, his usually cold eyes seeming to glow. "You mean that, my heart?" He rolled over slightly, leaning a bit more on his side, but still keeping Ocena close, his legs entwined about her piebald form. The difference in their size was rather glaring, but Gargoyle, though a bull of a wolf - as demonstrated by his earlier tackle - he knew exactly what he was doing and he'd bite off his own paw before he'd be anything other gentle with his angel.

He buried his nose in her cheek fur, chuckling softly. "A family of our very own. I'd like that."


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~