
We stand together, in a crowd



7 Years
01-29-2014, 03:12 PM

Surreal had weathered the storm with her mother, worrying over the rest of the pack while the edge of the storm passed over the plains, whipping wind through the trees of the old territory, howling like a mournful spirit. Battlesong had been particularly unhappy, her wings folded tightly to her sides as she perched under the ground, a place no hawk enjoyed being. Once the storm had passed, she had headed home, checking over the wolves that made up her family and pack. Sephiroth and Seraphine both had broken legs, Rune, a sprained limb, and Vahva had been up near Tortuga and ash cloud from Mount Volkan had rendered her temporarily blind.

The Mountain belching ash was a worrying thing, to both Surreal and her mother. Erani had told her and her siblings about the Great Eruption in the Old Land, of when Mt Animi had erupted, and how the Original Glaciem was to be thanked for the warning Crusade had issued, giving Valhalla and Tortuga time to escape, though some were still lost; like Vahva?s mother, Night. What if the same thing happened here? Surreal thought of her mother?s depictions of how the land Valhalla had left behind had looked. Barren, burnt, and wiped clean of anything but destruction. And she tried to imagine all she knew being shattered that way? And shuddered.

Her thoughts came back to the present as a cry from a much happier Battlesong came from above. Mismatched blue and gold eyes raised from the horizon to find the bird in the sky as Battlesong swooped in low, finding a safe perch in the jungle foliage. ?Battlesong?? The Ferruginous Hawk folded her wings carefully and cocked one yellow eye at Surreal, observing her. Some members are nearby--? The hawk was cut off, as a howl from Vahva split the air, a summons. It was to lower ranking wolves, but Surreal decided to go anyways. ?Is that what you were talking about?? She looked up at her companion for confirmation. Battlesong fluffed her breast feathers, clicking her beak. ?Yes.?

Nodding Surreal turned away from the bird. ?I wonder what it could be. Perhaps training. Good. I meant to call one of those, but the storm delayed me. Battlesong, feel free to take some time for yourself and hunt.? The hawk clicked her beak, then took off with a rush of wings, climbing the thermals into the sky. Surreal watched her until she was out of sight, then turned inland and followed the call.

By the time she reached Vahva, Odette and Guinevere were already there. Surreal gave the two young wolves a greeting nuzzle each before looking over to Vahva, offering a smile to the older wolf. ?Hello, Vahva. How are your eyes healing?? Gentle concern rode her voice.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.