
Dear No One


01-29-2014, 07:29 PM

The quiet giant hadn't been paying much attention to anything that wasn't the boulders. The mist that had decided to attach to him like a ghostly second skin was still doing pretty well about obscuring visibility , so it came as a surprise when a sudden figure came tumbling from the mist to land right in front of him. Elongated sooty tail would flicker with unease, dual colored ears rotating backwards against his skull, bi-colored eyes narrowing with surprise. As the creature straightened itself out, Pulsus came to realize that it was another wolf; a young man at that. The young brute was much, much smaller than the Black giant and it was clear that the boy knew it. He would scurry backwards, trying to press himself into the rock, as if trying to disappear. The titan would study the young man for a moments, scanning his body for the similar cross marking. There was none. So this boy wasn't related to him. So who was he?

Where did you come from young man? His gruff voice would rumble from his pipes as he addressed the smaller lupine, ears returning to their attentive position, now waiting to see what the boy had to say. Could this boy have any knowledge as to where he could find other Black wolves? Part of him felt like he wouldn't, but there was always a slight chance that he had run into one of his kin, perhaps even knew one of them personally. It was a waiting game now, to see whether this young man spoke up or not.

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