
Swing Life Away-Ghost- [MATURE]


03-21-2013, 06:54 AM
The brute stood there as his sudden anger washed away. Why should he show anger; it does not help anything. He did love Ghost he did; he did not care about looks but her heart. There was something she was hiding from him but he did not care before. But now nothing really mattered anymore.

When the dame asked him of what brought him this far south the wolf could only keep his composure. She was here with Segar and him and had asked him what had brought him this far South, an impeccable question. Of course he had been here for her but alas the tables had to be turned so he would be the one to turn them.

"Is it not obvious? I have come here for you but it seems that I may have been replaced. But I see how it is; a man knows when he is no longer needed." he said in a calm straightforward tone.

So Octavian stood there but he wanted this to go away, what mattered anymore. So the male decided to spill out his thoughts before her and figure things out after.

"Ghost, I bid you well and hope our friendship will not cease but?I do not know of anything anymore as it seems. Before I depart my mind is just flashing back to the memories we had so far. Like the first time I laid my eyes upon you at Crystal Falls, no I had not forgotten about that. And then how I had remembered you when we had fallen upon each other in the Whispering Caves. Was I not the only one out of many to notice the Ghost that seemed to float through life; and how we enjoyed a swim at Sunset Falls ever so recently? You have given me great memories which I will cherish until my soul departs this land. But?I was going to ask you to be my mate after our swim were to end but?I do not know of what happened next. It is my fault?and I apologize that I have not been the friend I had tried to be. I?m sorry I really am....

Octavian was sorry indeed but he knew he now had the upper paw. Would be the better man, of course he would. The brute only had to do it to accomplish it. So the male walked up closer towards the two wolves before him. His white gaze almost piercing their own; yet the wolf kept himself composed.

It was true now, they had seemed to switch roles and Octavian took her burden. The dame didn't even adhere to her name anywhere besides the color of her pelt. But Octavian surprisingly did not fight. He did not fight for the sake of the peace for the inhabitants of Seracia. If there was to be a fight it would break that peace that was in the small kingdom. The brute did not want that, the pack came before him now and he would gladly lay down his life for it.

Then the wolf turned to Segar and only had seven words for him.

"Some battles aren't meant to be fought."

And this was not one of them; Octavian wasn't saying Ghost wasn't worth it but now it wasn't. Lastly the man turned back towards Ghost to say one last thing before he left.

"It seems you have slipped through my paws yet you may not really care anymore. But you used to be the Ghost, the one who was not to be seen. But I saw you; I knew you were there, no longer invisible. And since now that you are clearly seen and I am becoming invisible to even you. Now you are the wolf, no longer gliding through life.....and I the phantom. he said as he put emphasis on the word phantom.

Then only did the black, gray, and white brute turned away without another word. He walked away casually but seemed to glide along the Earth such as a phantom. Now the brute was invisible to them both yet he was still there. Octavian wondered if Ghost would forget him a few days from now; but he should not care, he didn't.

So as the brute sauntered away to find another friend or someone to just talk to a thought reached his mind. Here he was again, right back at the starting line. Alone, yet again with no one to turn to. Only when his figure completely disappeared did the brute let his emotions overtake him. A knight did not cry...but then again he was only canine.

The trees swayed as the wind blew through and ruffled his fur. His white gaze looked up towards the sky. At least no one was here to beat him anymore that was one thing to be grateful for. And he had his sister Loccian and newfound brother Pontifex. But then again, why did he just give up like that. No, Octavian was not a coward; he was one to be the better man and know when to walk away. His second chance was blown, would there ever be a third. Maybe there was no hope for the brute; perhaps he was damned to a life in hell such as this.

But what did he do to deserve such a life. Be born to an abusive father; have his first love killed. Lose his siblings only to regroup now? He knew he was treated ever so badly because he would not give into his father's evil ways. He could never be the cold-hearted wolf his father wanted him to be. Was Octavian simply too nice. Was he just the peaceful wolf that did not shed blood for something that was not worth it? The wolf did not know anymore, all he knew that he was just Octavian, the phantom now floating through the rest of his life.

-Exit Octavian-