
A Return To An Empty Home



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-29-2014, 08:53 PM

She was ready, bodily, to go to the pack? And yet she stayed. Sometimes, she wondered what it would be like, to stay here till she died? But the pack needed her. So she would venture to the borders, and then she would stop. No? Her instincts continued to tell her. Not yet. It wasn?t time to go, just yet. And so she would turn back and wander the empty land. Empty, save for two others and their newborn children. She visited them often, taking comfort in their companionship. She hoped they would go to the pack with her. She had missed Friction in the Circle, and with Rayne?s death, he had become ever more important. Valhalla needed experienced Healers. At one point, she had wondered if he would become her fellow Lead Healer, but no. First Rayne, and then Imena, had taken that place.

Something kept the aging Lead Healer of Valhalla in the old Territory. Something stopped her every time she started toward the borders. And as she heard the low call, that familiar song that belonged to one who was lost, she knew what it was. Snowy paws dug into the ground as the pale Lady spun and took off toward the call. When she reached him, she didn?t pull back, instead crashing into her brother with a loud bark, which turned into a desperate whine, her tail whirring behind her, stirring the air with joy. ?Cormalin! Oh Cormalin, brother!?

After a good moment of this, her brother reciprocating with a hug of his forelimbs, they parted and she stared at him, eyes drinking in the face she?d missed so much. ?You?re alright? Are you hurt? You stink of them?? Words fell from her maw, the usually calm and reserved Theta vibrating with happiness.