
Gods & Swans



4 Years
01-29-2014, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2014, 09:28 PM by Baldur.)

Goodness it was gorgeous here. Baldur was relaxing comfortably on a small grassy island formed by the estuary. The morning sun glinted off his snowy coat making it seem as if there was a light glowing in side him. Perhaps there was? while the reunion with his family had been stressful it had also been? what, relieving? No, no that wasn't word he was looking for. Baldur's brows knit lightly together but he was too relaxed to try and force the issue, settling instead for good. It was good to see the family again, well most of them. He still wasn't sure what to think of seeing Hati and Loki again.

Baldur stretched out on his back, his body mostly hidden in the tall thrushes. The heat of the sun was doing wonders to relax his aching muscle which had strained and stretched as the brute pushed himself through the desert areas of Alacritis. His coloring helped but the fact remained that Baldur's coat was still exceptionally thick and woolen. He was made for biting cold and violent winds.

Birds scattered into the air en masse and Baldur whirled over onto his paws, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, his body preparing for an attacker. Instead of growls he heard barking, laughter and splashing. The barking in particular had caught his attention in that it belonged to a young female. Huh?

The male hesitated. Honestly now that he'd thought about it he could barely remember interacting with anyone outside his family. Well, there was always a first time for everything. Poking his head out of the reeds he noticed a pretty gray and black femme with golden undercoat chasing after the birds. He grinned, wanting to join in but still wary. She started swimming toward a large willow and Baldur spoke. "No luck, huh? Birds are tricky when they aren't nesting. The muskrats around here are pretty good, miss --?"