
Today's The Day


01-29-2014, 09:46 PM
Woah! Harsh. Okay, he was here first. It was hardly his fault she wasn't aware of her surroundings. No need to bite his head off. It wasn't liked he'd snuck up on her or anything. She was the one who'd entered his space. But whatever, he'd go, but not before she got a piece of his mind. "Look, lady, you don't have to be such a b-"

Out of the blue, the fae charged at him. His first reaction was to tense up, quickly followed by a rapid setting of instinctual defenses. His fur stood on end, bloating his figure, and his eyes narrowed to protect his delicate optics. Angel's stance widened and his knees bent, his body readying for him to spring into action. She was on him before he could wholly ready himself, springing for his ear.

The unnamed fae seized him, catching his left ear before he could guard himself. In response, the brute jerked away, her teeth skinning the inside of his ear as Angel pulled it from her grasp. The brute let out a yelp, the pain in his ear drawing the sound from him before he could choke it back. Angel retreated three steps and laid his ears flat to avoid them becoming easy targets again, all the while keeping his eyes fixed on his attacker should she jump at him again.

He retaliated by going for the top of her left shoulder. Angel dove to his right, his body kept low until the moment of his attack. He would rush towards her shoulder, aiming to catch it with his teeth while at the same time driving the forward side of his right shoulder into her ribs, his body coming at hers from an angle. Although he wasn't too much bigger than her, the brute aimed to throw his smaller opponent to the ground, or at least off-balance her; stacking the odds in his favor.

Defenses: Raised hackles, narrowed eyes, flattened ears, widened stance for balance, knees bent in anticipation of an attack.

Attacks: Two: he's trying to bite the top of her shoulder while simultaneously ramming into her ribs with the front of his shoulder.

Injuries: Stinging, bleeding ear.

Round: 1 of ?

Fight for: Dominance