
A Return To An Empty Home



01-29-2014, 10:06 PM

As Erani stepped up to him, he draped his head over her shoulders, haunches settling on the ground as his tail wrapped about them, chin tugging lightly against her opposite should in a light hug. It was so good to smell his sister again, and so relieving to see that she was still alive. As he listened to her recounting of the things he?d missed, his heart sank. Storm? Glaciem had experienced ash clouds, but on his journey south, he had noticed a lot of damage, trees uprooted, and yet he?d been so intent on getting home and keeping an eye out for tails that he?d only given all the signs a passing thought.

Had anyone died in the storm? Erani stepped away, breaking him from his thoughts. He looked back at her, into her deep blue pools, as she went on, assuring him that she was well. Friction was here? Well that was good. And that the healer had a new mate he was pleased to hear. He shared in Erani?s hope that Friction and his family would join with Valhalla, and he felt a surge of pride upon hearing that his niece was a Beta. But when his sister spoke of Rayne?s death, his hackles lifted. ?And a price upon that male?s head there shall be.? He rose, padding after his sister as she stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. ?Yes. I?m home now. Nothing could keep me away forever.?

With that, he followed his sister into the forested area of the old territory. Yes, he was home, and he wasn?t ever leaving the pack again. Not if he could help it.

-Exit Cormalin and Erani, and end of thread!-