
Some Kind of Wonderful


01-29-2014, 11:21 PM

It had been about a month since the bird incident with Enola. She had almost been taken away and the fact that she could have been lost forever made Faolan feel more protective of the young girl. He had made a vow to Loccian and Gerhardt that he would do everything in his young power to make sure she was safe. It was something he didn't voice to Enola out in the open, but rather showed her in his actions.
Such actions were displayed the day Faolan came to their home. He had been out and about, searching for proper herbs that Ara would appreciate, when Enola's familiar scent came to his nose. His tail started to wag and he gaily bounced towards the source. She had been wrapped around Loccian's legs and the Queen looked like she needed a nap from being with the pups all morning. He had proposed a visit of Seracia's primary territory so Enola would be more comfortable exploring. The Queen had accepted and so Faolan waited for Enola to appear from the depths of their home. In no time at all, they were walking through the nearby forest.
Faolan's eyes had lightened considerably in color. They were no longer like Silent's dark emeralds. Now, they resembled a lighter shade of lime green, brown spikes surrounding the irises. His silvery fur shined in the light as he padded through the sun-kissed bits of woodland floor. He hoped that Enola would be taking in the details of the area that he took for granted, for he wanted her to appreciate everything she had around her despite not being able to see it. "I hope you are finding this adventure worth the while, Lady Enola," he softly said, not wanting to speak too loud and hurt her ears. Her other senses were heightened more due to her blindness, so he tried to be careful with the four that still remained.
