
Your love is my drug



6 Years
01-30-2014, 12:30 AM

His first taste of a fight. What would his parents think of him fighting with a rogue outside of the pack territory? Perhaps they would assume that he was defending their home? Or they could reprimand him for such behaviors outside of the pack lands. If he was a betting man, he would put his money on getting in trouble. It was a good thing his parents didn't keep track of his whereabouts or he would've gotten a severe earful right now from either parent or even worse, from both. But in the heat of the moment, the young Mathias wasn't thinking about the consequences of his actions. He wasn't even sure he was thinking at this point; it was all instinct. Instinct full of rage.

A cry of surprise would rip from her dark jaws as his fangs connected with her skin, piercing the dark flesh, small amounts of crimson liquid falling across his tongue. The metallic taste of blood was strange to the young boy, but perhaps it would become a taste that he would familiarize himself with very well in the future. Part of him felt satisfaction in the fact that she didn't just sit there and take it; that she fought back. She would be quick to retaliate, her jaws coming to clamp over his russet ear, fangs piercing the delicate cartilage, her shoulder ramming into his side as she bit down. His own snarl would rumble from his clamped jaws as they released her fur, forelimbs pushing off of the ground in an attempt to throw himself backwards and hopefully break Zaria's grip.

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