
Stirring the Embers of Desire



7 Years
01-30-2014, 12:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Sleepy with satisfaction, Tahlia lay upon her side next to Bane. Her dark gold eyes were closed as she breathed in deeply and slowly, thoughts fuzzy aside from one that rang through clear. She loved Bane, loved what he could do, what he was. If things had been different, if they had been allowed to carry on with their lives as they had been before, she had no doubts those lives would have been wonderful, every moment of them enjoyable. A paw snaked around her side, drawing her closer still, and jaws softly latched onto the back of her neck. The motions elicited a quick smile to the she-wolf's face, only a twinge of discomfort peeking through as the bite upon her neck protested - she was quite positive now that she was bleeding. Any other day, under any other circumstances, Tahlia would have blanched at the thought of having an open wound, of possibly scarring. But right now with Bane she was not in a mood to care.

The sting on her neck slowly ebbed the longer her mate kept kneading at her scruff, eyes finally opening and staring off into the vegetation along the riverside. So open. There was a time she could remember of being more modest with their activities, of seeking out quiet places of isolation. Had that only been because of the pack and the reputation she tried to keep there? There was just as likely a chance for discovery here, despite Bane's scent practically engulfing this portion of the river. Maybe Bane had changed her more than she knew.

His muzzle rested against her shoulder, but despite his comfort she moved. Her body wriggled slightly at first before she managed to roll herself over, switching to her other side to face him as she tucked her forepaws in close. Still she smiled as she stared into his scarred face, into his single blue eye. Such a rough and rugged look that he wore, given a touch of knowledge by the whitening of his coat. A savvy, seasoned warrior he looked like to her, fully capable of being desired. And she did. She stretched her neck forward and reached for him, turning her face into the fur of his neck and staying there a moment before moving to nuzzle his cheek. "I love you," Tahlia murmured, the phrase heavy and genuine, "I love this." She snuggled closer as she moved her head to tuck it beneath his chin, eyes once again closing. I wish it could be like this always.