
Blood Pact



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-30-2014, 01:02 AM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2014, 08:13 PM by Sin.)
This was meant to go up some time ago, so since I have a while sitting at the vet office waiting for my new Neko to get a clean bill of health, I thought I might put this up and polish it up with a nice table later.

As many of you know, I am striving to create a pack with Sin. This pack is not of the good alignment, following more along darker lines. Sin has accumulated several followers, but is always on the search for more to build his new empire. I am only about 100 posts away from achieving this, progress is made quickly as you know since Sin is very active.
Many of you also know that Sin isn't the nicest of characters, ambitious, but not to the point that he is blinded by such stupidity. He is smart, level headed, thinks things through, and doesn't care about other authority and having his time wasted. If you're not worth it, he'll simply have you "talk to the tail" and make his leave.(Unless you've insulted him. Be prepared for a challenge or being added to his hit list.)

Now, here is some fun stuff to learn. A sneak-peek if you will.

About this pack
Name: Hellstrom (Or something along those lines).
Alignment: All Alignment types
Who is allowed acceptance?: Anyone of all Alignment types is welcome. Lawful Evil-Lawful Good. Sin is not wholly evil.
What will the pack be like?: The pack will be a home to the strong of heart, warriors, killers, murderers, good wolves, healers, young and old, dogs, the outcasts that do no fit well with any other pack. Although, that does not mean that just anyone and everyone will be accepted. Sin will accept only those who will follow without question. If your character needs some time to adjust to pack life, he/she will be given a grace period to do so. If he sees that you are weak of heart, at anytime while in the pack, you will be turned away. He commands laws to be followed, and work be put in if you want to remain within his ranks. Flattery won't get you anywhere, so don't waste your time in trying to do so. Treason will not be tolerated, and you will be punished to the full extent of the law; in this case, whatever Sin decides. This will have various degrees of punishment ranging from minor to extremely severe. Prisoners & slaves may be integrated as well, but not without reason.
Alphas word is law. If you cannot comply, you will be forced to leave. Disloyalty will result in consequences. Though Sin doesn't care whether you like him or not, betray the pack and you've found yourself a death wish. Nobody is to slack off in duties, if doing so without good reason you will be demoted. No excuses. High ranks are not given out, they must be earned. For Sin will not give power to the lazy and inactive. Regardless of your skills, your place is what Sin decides. If effort is seen and acknowledged, you might be promoted.
Ranks may be challenged for, however, and you must show your worth and desire to really want the position. Bear in mind, you may not get it even if you win the first time around, for Sin may want to test you again soon after.
A special surprise will be set in place for young wolves 1-2yrs of age in order to prove their abilities and skills. It will be demanding, and there are no exceptions unless otherwise noted by Sin. all wolves between these ages must comply. This will not be released yet.

Current Followers:

That is a summary of it for now. I wouldn't want to spoil all the fun now would I?
If you are interested in becoming a follower, or anything else. Questions, ideas(that I may or may not have. Bear in mind not everything was leaked here), feel free to post or Skype me @ kenji.yamamoto18.

Updated to add in slight changes to alignment, pack description, and follower count on 1/30.