
A new friendship is brewing


01-30-2014, 05:57 AM

The horrible storm had passed over the lands of Alacritis, leaving behind very soggy spots in various places of Seracia's territory. The buffalos that could usually be found grazing in many parts of the knolls were heading for higher ground. They didn't want to be around the parts of grass that were heavily laden by the rain. Faolan knew they were smart animals, but only assumed they had brains the size of a pea. He had underestimated their wits, for he was expecting them to remain in the wetter parts of the valley and break a leg. His hunting tactic failed by this lapse of judgment.
A sigh escaped his lips and Faolan came out of hiding. His silvery form with the gray pieces outlining his prominent, bony angles left the cover of the woods and strolled across the grass. Long legs met his stomach faster than they had during his growth spurts. He was now thirty-six inches in height, same as his father. His light green eyes with brown spikes around the irises looked across the now vacant valley for a sign of life besides him. He didn't have long to wait when he heard a sigh and saw a familiar form rest upon the ground. With curiosity brimming, he pursued it.
He approached with caution, for was not sure if the girl would remember him. Questions rose in his eyes, but he didn't voice any of them until he reached a respectable distance from her. "Arian?" he asked, making sure to note if she was the girl he hunted with two seasons ago.
