

Magnus 1


01-30-2014, 12:45 PM

He could have sighed in relief when Song arrived. She could always cheer Aurora up. With her kind words and careful caressing of the pups he smiled. He glanced up when the small girl entered the den he glanced up. A healer. He could have sighed in relief. She nuzzled the two of them comfortingly. When his wife awoke. She ate the herbs, then her maw came down to caress the little ones. "Zlata Lillian Lunashka-Bane. He smiled. "A beautiful name." She looked like a perfect combination of Aurora and himself. The sight of the two of them made him grin. The sadness of their lost child washed away momentarily. You, my little prince, are Australis Aleks Lunashka-Bane." He didn't mind that she had named them. He loved the names. He moved closer to his wife, he nuzzle her softly and looked at the pups. They melted his heart. When the little black ball of fluff that was Corvusi stalked in he grinned he loved the tiny feline. But with her final words before curling up around the pups, sadness was again remembered. He nodded as Aurora asked for some privacy. He understood. When she left the pups were clearly rather annoyed. He moved a little closer. He had no idea what to do, he suddenly realised how little he knew about being a father. A little while later a soft howl reached the den and he wanted to race out and stay by her side. But he knew that she needed her time alone. When she returned a loving glance was given to each of them. He returned the look, one as full of love as the one she had given him. "Well my love it's over, all over." He placed a kiss on her muzzle. Then he looked to Novel, "Thank you very much Novel" H smiled and gave her a heartfelt look. Then he turned to Song, "And thank you Song, for being there." His eyes were full of warmth.
