
You gave me my very first gun


01-30-2014, 04:04 PM

The boy Mako hadn't provided the titan with any information regarding the whereabouts of the kin that were allegedly seen wandering this new region. The young man was more terrified of his own shady to be anything of a help to Pulsus and so the man had moved on, wandering away from the misty boulder structure towards more...alive scenery and slightly wetter climate. It was something of a surprise to see that the farther north he moved, the more different each landscape became. It was certainly a change for Black man, but he would find himself adjusting to it quite easily. He still wasn't sure where he could find his family, but there couldn't be any harm in wandering around until he found them. Unless...the rumors were really rumors and those rogues had led him astray. He sincerely hoped not.

Gargatuan paws of sooty and ghostly ivory would shift through the sand of the bay that he had come across, audits flickering this way and that way, listening to the sounds of the crashing waves and the occasional seagull that happened to fly by. Eyes of ice and amethyst would run a scan over the beach, spotting a dark figure farther down the beach, lying limply against the shore it seemed. Something of concern would blossom in the man's chest as he slowly continued his way towards the mass, realizing as he got closer that it was a wolf. It didn't appear to be harmed in any way, just lying on the shore. Did wolves around here just lie like this? He would keep his questions to himself, caution guiding his paws as the distance between himself and the stranger continued to lessen. Could this wolf possibly give him information about his family?

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