
Say you Like Me


03-21-2013, 01:42 PM

Her reaction to Gargoyle's sudden movements was a slow blink of mis-matched eyes before Gargoyle had her swept forward, tumbling to land with a soft thump upon the sold bulk of the male that she had come to love. She was hidden from the world, perfectly shielded by massive limbs, and the sudden rush of blood to the spots that his tongue touched had her wriggling slightly, tail wagging as pure joy rushed through her body.

Maybe this wasn't paradise, but it sure was close. "Yes, pups." Ocena flicked her tail, leaning down to nuzzle lightly at the significantly larger male beneath her. It was her fertile season, something that was a simple fact of life for the female. It meant that she was more lusty, more irritable, but that was not something that she simply bowed to. She had done her best to stay in control and it wasn't like she was some simple animal, reduced to mounting every male in the area. She had not always been sure that she wanted pups, even during times like this. But the thought of bringing a family into a world with this male was enough to make her certain that she wanted pups.

A smile stretched across her features as she nudged the male lightly, "I mean it. I want your pups, Gargoyle." She wanted children that looked like them running around, causing trouble in Glaciem and exploring the world beyond, finding their own path in this world. Some might be warriors, some healers. And perhaps one would grow to claim the mantle of Chief in time. But that excited her less than the thought of creatures who were half-Gargoyle walking the earth.

Snuggling closer to the bulky male, Ocena's tongue rubbed against his face, flicking along his cheek. "They'll be perfect." Mostly because they were half Gargoyle. She was far from perfect. But Gargoyle, well, he was perfect to her, and that was what mattered. She had felt something for the male from the moment that she met the hulking, mysterious behemoth with a haunted past that he had only recently let her have a glimpse of.

And now, everything was going to come together. This, right here, was paradise.

(FADE TO BLACK o3o unless clash wants to get another post in xD)
