
From The Ashes


01-30-2014, 06:35 PM

The beast of these lands stared at his king with distaste, he was no prisoner here, but that didn't mean he enjoyed his time here, though blending in was what he was to do now, and was cursed to do forever. He took a deep breath as the rumble from the albino king echoed across the group, many women, not many men, though this was no cause for concern, women were capable of disaster just as much as the opposite species. Some of these women, they were pretty, some of them had curves that would make a man jiggly in his fur, but not him, sex wasn't usually on his mind, hadn't ever been really... Did that make him strange? He sure hoped so.

His assignment was to patrol the borders, act as a guardian to them to ward off intruders and keep the harem safe. Was this what he had been life had come to? Patrol borders? The beast wasn't too happy with how his life had turned, but he hoped that he would be given more once he did what he came for. He nodded politely to the king and queen as he sat and waited for the others to trickle away, he eyeballed the black femme, the one with the pretty eyes known as Esperanza to the others. She was a quiet thing, delicate features and green eyes the color of radioactive algae, he liked how timid she was, how easily she skirted around all, he would have to get to know her sooner rather then later, but for now, he cautiously eyeballed her from a distance and watched as the soap operas unfolded before him with a hidden smirk of relief that his life was without tv shows and movies, he sat still as stone, observing the strangers with a silent curiosity that at this point went beyond interest and into calculations.