
Memories and Places



4 Years
01-30-2014, 07:10 PM
At this point, Thor was nothing but a walking ball of pent up bad energy. He wasn't even sure what he felt at this point. Was he angry? Livid? Frustrated? Annoyed? Grumpy? The brute wasn't quite sure. He just felt..negative. He was beyond angry, beyond livid, frustrated, annoyed and he'd passed grumpy so long ago he didn't even know what it looked like anymore.

On his right was a slurry, delirious and yes, smelly, Hati and even further to his right was the thorn in his side. Loki. The brute had chattered away, taking every opportunity to criticize and spew snark. Four times Thor had gotten fed up with Loki's insults and threatened him, and finally on the forth time, he'd fallen silent. Perhaps the threatening had finally done the trick, although it was more likely that he'd simply grown tired of hearing himself speak...if that were possible. Not that Thor really cared why Loki had stopped flapping his gums; really, he was just grateful for the silence. He couldn't handle much more irritation.

Hati, on the other hand, had been oddly silent throughout the journey. This alarmed him for a couple of reasons. One, he was being far too indifferent to the occasionally shoulder bump that had to be painful. Two, he hadn't done much to shut Loki up. And finally, three, he hadn't bitten anyone or even threatened them with violence, which was so far from his normal self that Thor was actually more concerned with not getting bitten by him than getting bitten.

Slowly, so slowly that Thor didn't realize what was happening at first, Hati slid to the ground. Alarmed at this new development, Thor whined, the sound grumbled under his breath as he tried to decide on a course of action. Was this it? Could Hati really die right here, right now? In all honesty, the brute didn't know how he felt about it. On one hand, Hati was kind of an asshole, like their father, but on the other hand, he was family and Thor couldn't quite picture the world without him.

He laid down beside his brother and leaned into his face just in time for Hati to open his mouth and bathe him in an odor so foul it made his piss n' pus shoulder smell pleasant in comparison. He almost gagged. It was like something had crawled down his throat, died and rotted there. Thor turned his gaze to Loki and shrugged. Honestly, was it time to just...let him go?

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]