
baby, i'm bleeding for you


01-30-2014, 07:38 PM

The lithe demoness slithered through the water like a serpent, like she was designed to live in this element and yet her eyes remained narrowed and her ears pinned to show her obvious distaste for her current situation. She wasn't impressed but then again she never was. She had scoured Alacritis after the war, tried to find her brother but he was gone. Vanished. Ludicael was under new rule but did that mean he had left with Jupiter? She was stressed, high strung and even her violent night with Creedence hadn't helped her mood. Friction was split from his family but he was having children. But there were so many others who had been here who were now gone, she had no idea where Io, Cynrik or Zara was? She knew there were probably other siblings around who were now gone. All their scents were gone. Tortuga was now in the paws of another and she was tired? She was just so tired. She wanted to be done with this wretched world, with this stupid life?

Paws struck sand and she pulled herself out of the water slowly, pausing as she came about knee deep and casting lantern gaze about. Was old Tortuga still here? Taurig? Maija? She had never been particularly close with any of them but where was Morphine? Her love was gone? All she had left were wolves she knew in passing. Strange how once family was removed there was really nothing left for her. She didn't call, didn't move for a long time. Instead she simply stood, gazing scanning the landscape blankly and without emotion. Why had she bothered to come at all?

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