
little talks


01-30-2014, 07:54 PM

She had left him, how could she have left him.

In the middle of the night as she had slept with him a silent song had called to her, coaxed her from her sleep and so she had stumbled after it. She had left him there in the night, following a thought or perhaps chasing a dream. Who would ever know? But it had lead her here and here she had stayed. Days had rolled into weeks, weeks into months. As one sunrise melted into yet another sunset she had hunted and survived on her own. She hadn't sought him out, unable to. Would he want her to go back? Ask her to stay? She couldn't say no to him and maybe that was why she continued to stay away. She slid and slipped through the shadows, avoiding each and every one around her so she could continue to live her life in silence. Only broken every so often by the squeal of prey or their last dying cries as she ended their lives so she could continue hers. Everything was a cycle, everything a loop. Walking the same trails and the same paths over the icy woods frozen beneath her paws. She found herself lost in her thoughts far too often, dragged down so deep that sometimes she couldn't tear herself out quick enough to hide from strangers. She had had to flee more then once. The north was a dangerous place. Large and vast as it was now at least three packs had expanded their boarders to flow into it. Game was getting more scarce but she wouldn't leave.

She couldn't leave?

It wasn't the first time she had been stuck in this place, stuck on an endless loop doomed to repeat forever it seemed. Last time she had been saved by another, a stranger oddly enough. A male named Taurig from Glaciem. But that had been too long ago. That pack was a bad place. Packs were a bad place. She would have to survive on her own, fend for herself?.She didn't need anyone, only herself?

And yet her steps faltered and her breath caught in her throat at she thought back to Aeron? How could she have left him?
