
Swing Life Away-Ghost- [MATURE]


03-21-2013, 02:24 PM
Ghost remained still, taking Octavian's words and feeling the guilt creep as it etched along her spine. It was not an emotion she was akin to feeling and it ate at her. The voices in her head purred to her, talking animatedly back and forth placing their two cents on this entire confrontation. Octavian spoke truth he saw her when she had tried so hard to be invisible. He sought her out when no one else knew she existed. Ghost had been drifting through notions never dedicating herself to anyone or anything. Octavian had brought her here, Octavian had given her a name, Octavian had given her a purpose. She deserved his anger and his hatred.

It was all of this knowledge that brought the silver fae to her decision. Octavian was perfect, a genuine soul with a kind and just heart. He would be the perfect fit for any wolf with good intentions. Noble, honorable, kind, gentle, even retreating from the war of egos when he could so easily have merely forced her into a caged mating, regardless of her own feelings and emotions. All of this reasons made him an incredible match... but that was just it. Ghost, herself, was far from incredible. He knew nothing of the shadows that plagued her past, her brother who had lain siege to her body, taking her innocence and her mind with him. He knew nothing of her destroyed mental capacities. He only knew her as Ghost, the quite, isolated dame that spoke only when necessary, that he had chosen, only God knew why, to be his own. But he deserved so much better than she, she knew that, and she was only doing him injustice but answering his proclamation, not that he gave her much time to speak as it were.

Ghost did not know if she even had the capacity to love... and what kind of relationship would that be? He would adore her unconditionally, she knew, but would she ever be able to return it? What kind of relationship would that be? He would crave her companionship, her affection, and what could she give it aside from nightmares and aloofness even in the best of times. It wasn't fair to him. Octavian did not give her the chance to speak, he spoke his peace, turned, and fled.

For a moment the silver hued dame was paralyzed by indecision. She had never had a choice to make before this day, at least not to this caliber, but did she chase after Octavian or did she stay? Would Octavian even listen if she spoke? Of course he would. Octavian was perfect. Segar's sinful tones caressed the shell of her ear and she shook her head gently.

"It would be wrong of me, to fuel Octavian's passions. I do not love him the way he had professed to me here today. It is unfair of me to lie of emotions I do not feel. He needs someone pure, perfect, kind. I can be none of these things and although he does not yet know it I have done him a favor this day. My mind is so broken, so damaged... he does not know the extent of my illness." Her tones were soft and smooth as glass as she answered the handsome gent, her eyes flickering to his sudden solemn expression.

"You deserve far more than I too. Why either of you would fight for something so wrong is beyond me."