
baby, i'm bleeding for you


01-30-2014, 10:30 PM

This was a strange place? It was bright and sunny and so different from the mountain home she had hated so and yet grown so accustomed to. The feel of the sand beneath her paws was both strange and comforting at the same time while the surf pushed and pulled at her legs. It was all so? Comforting? She let out a slow breath, pushing every last bit of air from her lungs as she closed her eyes and paused a moment before drawing in a new breath full of salty air, the scent of vegetation and one particularly strange and yet so familiar scent. Taurig? Eyes would open once more and scan the beach line before falling on the massive cobalt beast making he way slowly towards her. He moved with a purpose and slowly a smile began to stretch across her lips. She was about to move towards him, body leaning forward to begin the action before she noticed his face. Scars riddled it, maiming his once handsome features and scarring his eyes. What had happened?

His voice was powerful and commanding but for a long moment she stood there in the water, leaning so far forward she looked like she might fall over, staring blankly at him. Could he see her? But even if he couldn't she knew he would smell her, Zara had always been able to smell her from what seemed like miles away. "?Taur??" There was a hesitance and uncertainty in her voice uncommon for the red woman but slowly she would step forward, long legs churning the water until she was on the beach a little ways away from him where she would once again stop and stand. "What? What happened?" Her voice broke and she had to swallow quickly. If only she hadn't left?. Maybe this would have never happened. Was this her fault? Could she have stopped this? Guilt swept over her like a tidal wave. Another friend hurt because she wasn't there. Just like Vixe was dead. Just like her niece was taken? All her fault...

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