
baby, i'm bleeding for you



5 Years
Extra large
01-30-2014, 10:45 PM

The mammoth was so accustomed to the way that he was now, scared and blind that he sometimes forgot that others around him could really see him. It didn't cross his mind that Vi hadn't see him torn up and blind, since the last time they had had contact he'd been completely whole, sight and jewels in tact. It was only the sound of splashing reached his ears that the knight really believed his red friend to be here. The sound of paw steps on the beach reached his ears and he would pause, Vi's scent becoming stronger, bringing him to think that she had left the water to come to the shore, possibly moving closer to him. ?Taur?? What? What happened? He could hear the uncertainty in her voice, hear how it broke at the last question. Tattered ears would fold back against his scarred skull as the realization of how he must look to her dawned on him. Did he frighten her? Horrify her? Disgust her? It was hard to tell.

It's me've missed alot. As you can see...I'm now blind...thanks to a certain... A hint of a growl would touch his words at the mention of the man that had done this to him. Sire of mine. I've also...well...let's just say that the litter I had with my wife is the last one I can ever have... He would trail off for a second, a hint of embarrassment touching his words. It wasn't every day that a man lost his manhood...but the titan didn't let it define him, much less bother him. Where have you been Vi? I thought I wouldn't see you again... Milky eyes would move in the direction where Vi's scent came from the strongest, ebony tail wagging gently behind powerful haunches, a touch of a smile curling his scarred jaws. I'm glad you found your way here.

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