



01-30-2014, 11:00 PM

Kat Design #3




Lawful Neutral


When Coriander is born he will have puppy blue eyes and a fluffy white down coat that will grow into his full pelt. When fully grown he will be a proud 33 inches and 124 pounds like his father. His fur will be a pristine, long and luscious white color. Above his stunningly glorious light brown eyes will yellow marks that almost resemble an apostrophe. Underneath his eyes will be two marks that resemble squiggly lines. He will have long and muscular legs with a lean torso; a hunters build overall. His eyes compliment his complexion and from tail to tip of his muzzle he will be 124 centimeters long.


Coriander will grow to be a kind and benevolent man with a face for adventure. Constantly sneaking out to go on 'secret missions' and meet new wolves being one of his goals. He might be considered rambunctious or perhaps some might go as far as to classify it as being careless. The fae will be an independent wolf with a mind that can not be easily contained and controlled. He will have an issue conforming to social standards and obeying rules because of this adventurous attitude. He is the kind of pup that would scale mountains just to shout out 'YOLO' from the top. He is the kind of wolf who would use Twitter before it was cool. His rebellious stage is sure to be long and enduring depending on how he might be treated. If gotten to early enough, he might have the ability to learn and comprehend a religious nature where he would have a stable belief system to keep his actions in check.

Rp Sample

It had been a world of sound and feeling, the calm breathing and soft hum of his mother's voice, the sharp squeaks of his brother and the whistling wind at the entrance of the den. It was all that he had known, until a surprise came upon his. His eyes began to crack open, his short limbs were strengthening and he could see blurry shapes all around his. Motes of dust swirled around his, coming in and out of focus as he stared at them, captivated. Every new thing fascinated Coriander, it was like a whole new world had come crashing down upon his.

Coriander opened his eyes to see nothing but a fuzzy mess. The white pup stumbled across the only place he had known as home since his birth; the birthing den. Coriander was confused as to why everything appeared so blurry and he pouted with his high pitched noises and squeals. "HALP! I CANTZ SEE!" The distorted voice shouted out in an almost angry fashion. He looked over to the blurry shape of his mother and siblings. A small sigh as he stumbled into the dirt again. He was already growing to be stubborn. He got back up and his legs wobbled slightly beneath the weight. He managed to get his way over towards his mother and curl back up with his. The need for milk gnawed at the pup's stomach. He nudged his one of his siblings away and started to suckle.