
Monkey Off Your Back


03-21-2013, 02:29 PM

The dame was hidden in the soulless forest. Just hiding for the sake of it, was a pleasure in itself. The sullenness was heavy, like a muted heart in cotton, or a blanket of down. The atmosphere was gruesome. It was nothing like the females home. Zarzenova enjoyed her freedom, being able to pick and choose where she went and when. She supposed most did not know of her ventures, that she did it all in secret. As the undergrowth enfolded her, the leaves caressing her she heard a voice; actually a pair of murmurs. They were hard to hear over the fog. Her ears perked up, standing at their full height, keen on eavesdropping. In an army crawl she ambled forward. Zarzenova was nearer, the rasping more clear. They talked in hushed tones; something seemed urgent and mocking about them.

As the mystery creatures spoke, Zarzenova thought of what monsters they could be. She had heard tales about the soulless forest, tales of horror and fantasy. Some had said monsters lived here, that they grew on the very bark of the trees. Others said they were canine eaters and loved feasting on the ripe flesh. Oh stop playing games with yourself nova. She scolded herself inwardly. Even so these thoughts sent chills down her spine. Shaking slightly, the lady listened in to her performers.

As she edged closer, she found the voices had stopped, that all movement on their part had ceased to exist. Damn it She mused. Things had finally taken a turn, and not in Zarzenovas? favor. Knowing what could very well happen, she decided to ambush first. Rising from the cold, depressed ground, leaving the security of the forest cover behind, she approached. She did not know who she would face, or what would become of this chance encounter. Either way she hoped for the best.
