
baby, i'm bleeding for you



5 Years
Extra large
01-31-2014, 12:59 AM

Since his arrival in alacritis almost a year ago, the titan had met many wolves. Rogues, members of Glaciem when he was there, the wolves that had formed his pack and were now living on the island with him. He remembered most of them, knew their faces and names, but one wolf in particular stuck out to him from the rest, apart from his wife and family; Vi. Not only was she the first russet wolf he'd seen in Alacritis, aside from his siblings, but was one of the first wolves he came across when he decided to take on Tortuga. She had been there with him from the beginning, advising him, helping him in any way she could, despite not really having taken a liking to him from the beginning. She had become an unlikely ally to him; one he was glad to have now. She had been with him through tough times, gone to war with him and for that she would always be considered a friend to the cobalt man. She would be part of his pack, his family for life and whatever she needed from him, if it was within his power and even if it wasn't, she would have it. She deserved a little payback after all for everything she'd done for him.

The scars suit you. You look like a bad ass? Sorry about your dad, he sounds like a dick. But congratulations to you and Maija? He could hear the uncertainty that came with her accompanying her laugh and although it brought a wry smile to his lips, Taurig braced himself. Vi wasn't one to be uncertain about anything; he could feel a change in her. But was a good one? Thanks, I'm sure you're still breaking hearts with a glance. You should meet my children soon, they would love to meet their aunt Vi. A bigger smile would extend his scarred lips at the mention of his children becoming kin to her. She was that important to him that he would integrate her into his blood family. He just hoped that she wouldn't be put off by his show of fondness for her; he remembered she wasn't the type for such things. I buried my nephew in the war? I went to find his father and he was gone. My brother? My best friend is gone? I lost Zara and Io? My family seems to have disappeared right in front of me. The smile would fade, a somber expression taking over his scarred visage. She had lost family and displaced others. But not all hope was lost. Zara's whereabouts I'm not sure as of late, but Io is here on the island with the pack. He hoped that little bit of information would brighten up the woman's spirits. He wanted the Vi he remembered to come back.

There's no where else I would rather be. I've been stupid, more loyal to a mountain, a pack name and dead ideals then to those that lead the pack. Four? Five? Maybe more? Leaders came before you. But you? I think you are someone I could be truly loyal to. If you would have me back? A genuine smile would chase away the somber mood, plume wagging with more enthusiasm at her words. Taurig would blink with surprise when he suddenly felt Vi touch him, her gentle tongue caressing the scar tissue that had formed over his left cheek. She was never affectionate with him before...perhaps he liked this Vi better after all. You've always had a place here Vi. This is your home and you my family. The titan would step forward, closing the gap she'd put between them, bumping the woman gently on the chest as he reached up over her, salmon tongue swiping against the closest ear, nipping it gently with affection. In the same moment a breeze would come in from the mainland, bringing along with it a scent he knew Vi would be glad to see; Io. He would step back, a knowing look on his face. I told you she was here. He would motion in the direction that the healer's scent came from, crown turning in Io's direction, hoping that she would come closer.

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