
this tragic affair


01-31-2014, 01:22 AM

He doesn't answer for a time, simply ushers her a low chuckle that only makes her shrink into the end further, feeling rather silly now for blundering so foolishly with her words. But then he grants reprieve, extends the olive branch and her ears perk, wary eyes flickering to him and then away, her uncertainty breaching the distance but at last she crawls forth, dragging herself like a solider upon her belly. Dirt accumulates along her limbs and stomach but she does not care, slinking along the earthen floor until she is fully exposed and then she rises more properly on her legs, though still crouched towards the earth in an innately submissive posture; she stares at him for a moment, a shy smile curling across her lips as she notes his awkward position. For a time she seems torn, debating between settling beside him in the minimal patch of sun he has select or the one a few yards away where the dappled lighting breaks through an opening in the canopies -- she eventually settles on the latter, edging all too carefully around the king and padding past him, reclining onto her haunches upon reaching her selected patch of sun, her torso dropping soon after; she crosses one forepaw over the other, lowers her muzzle to rest upon outstretched paws and closes her eyes, doing her best to seem relaxed, at ease around him -- though she is anything but.

Table by Azil