
baby, i'm bleeding for you


01-31-2014, 02:02 AM

She russet witch had pledged her loyalty to so many things and so many wolves before. She had followed pack leaders blindly and killed without question but that had to end, that was over now. She needed that to be over now. She wanted more in life, now that she had experienced death. Now that someone close to her had met their end. She wanted connection, she wanted someone to call a friend. She needed emotional ties and something that went beyond blood. And who better to start those with then the man who had started this change within her? The man who had shown her the errors of her way. The man who had accepted her and allowed her to accept him into her heart in her own good time. She had been rather rude in the beginning, she would easily admit that, but he had let her slink around and do her own thing despite knowing nothing about her. Despite knowing that she had been loyal to the chaotically aligned old leaders of Tortgua. He had always been there for her in a way that even she couldn't begin to express, in ways he probably would never really know. And though she would happily kill for him if that was what he wanted she didn't want to hop around and throw her loyalty at anyone who could use her for her specific skills. No. She loved him. And she would freely admit that.

His words brought a more musical laugh, more certain of herself as he mentioned her looks. But the word aunt stilled everything, even her heart for a moment. Her breath caught in her throat and then she smiled, a burning starting at the backs of her eyes. "And I would be honoured to meet the little princes and princesses?" She said softly. She decided to skirt around the breaking hearts comment, looks seemed to be a touchy subject here even if he seemed to be okay with it. The talk about her family defiantly put a damper on the conversation, she almost regretted bringing it up but at the same time she didn't want to keep him in the dark about anything. Though he did have some helpful things to add. Io? She was here? Though Vi hadn't really seen her fellow Sovari since her acceptance, the pack meeting and their march to war she was glad to hear that the woman had made her way here. A look of obvious relief washed over her. Though she would have been happy to I've here with Taurig and Maija the news that some of her family had survive lifted a great weight off her shoulders.

Her words, thankfully, brought a huge smile to his lips and a huge wave of relief washed over her at the sight of his tail waving behind him. Always had a place here? She had never had a place to call home before, never really had a place to settle in. She had thought that Tortuga had been that place but her loyalties had been more rooted to the mountain it seemed rather then the wolf who had actually lead it. She had been ready to follow Morphine where ever she led but Morphine hadn't wanted her. Here? Taurig wanted her here? She was actually welcome here. That part was reiterated as her once more closed the distance between them to bump against her, tongue rasping against her cheek then teeth nipping her ear. "Thank you Taur? That means a lot to me?" She said softly, scent hitting her at the same moment it hit Taurig. Though she had the sight to back up the seemingly fleeting scent. But there she was, like a ghost in the edge of the vegetation simply standing and watching them without a word. "Io!" She exclaimed, blinking rapidly as if she was waiting for her sibling to disappear like the ghost she appeared to be.

"I'm so glad you made it back here!!!" She exclaimed as she motioned for her blood to join them, sitting back. "Seems theres a lot of catching up to do? Would you mind giving Io and I a bit to chat? I promise to come torment you and Maija in a bit," She asked, lifting a paw to bat Taurig on to nose playfully, an easy smile slipping across her lips. She felt easy now, like she had more then enough time to do everything. There was nothing floating at the edge of her mind that was stressing her out. And she had been meaning to talk to Io for ages now, since back when she had first joined the pack. As much as she wanted to talk to Taurig more and bounce after him like a pup to meet his children and to see Maija she knew there would be more then enough time for that to come. And all her stress that she had felt before this, all the stress that had eventually pushed her to track down her old friends had steamed from her family's sudden disappearance. Yet here she was, one of her seemingly huge family that had shrunk down to nothing in the past few months. And she didn't even know if Io knew who she was. Vi had grown up learning about the rest of her family, knowing that she had many other siblings out there and often watching them from afar but her mother had raised her and her brother Kylar in secret, telling no one as far as Vi had known?