
I can�t fear death no longer


01-31-2014, 08:53 AM

The day was dawning, the world was beautiful. Among the weeping willows one could see a blur; an alabaster female. She was making her way through the trees; while hiding. Like a ghost in the silence, she disappeared. Zarzenova was not interested in the mere atmosphere. She was not looking at the devastating beauty the surrounded the creature; a beauty that matched her own. No, she was on a mission of sorts. She was running away; away from the future, away from her past. She had been gone for so long, she knew not what had become of her family; nor did she want to know. She left Tortuga, becoming a loner. She once thought she longed for the solitude, but now she wasn?t so sure.

As her rhythmic step became one with her surroundings, Zarzenova paused for a second. Her two toned eyes darted around; soaking in the trees, the grass, and the barely visible sky. Taking a deep breath she deemed it safe to stop. This seemed like a safe enough place; it harbored seclusion, it held sounds and smells that would make it hard to detect her. She did not want to be found, least of all by her family.

Arching her back, the female laid down, resting her head on her forepaws. She began to think, which was never good. Zarzenova, you are better than this. Why are you running? Why are you being a coward? What are you running from, your ghosts? Face it they?ll never leave you, they will always haunt you, always. she fought with herself internally. Being alone was not as splendid as she once thought. She could not remember the last time she was in the company of another wolf; her days bled into one another; Always on the move, always running.

The sounds of birds filled the air; the temperature was warm; alluring sleep. Zarzenova?s eyes began to droop. The sounds began to fade and sleep took her. Her pale body lay under a willow, her shallow breath causing her chest to rise and fall. She looked peaceful; for once the fear of the unknown left her. It was all sunshine and rainbows from here baby! Or was it?

Word count: 371

OOC: Crappy, but it will do.

Notes: Just a look into what she is going through. Even I don?t know what it is, so it should be interesting to see what becomes of the little lady

Creativity level: Blah blah
