
Memories and Places

Loki 1


6 Years
01-31-2014, 09:02 AM

At first, Loki had been irritated at being Hati's crutch. He'd made snide, nasty comments to make himself feel better, seeing Hati practically turning purple trying to hold back his temper. It was actually quite an impressive achievement for Hati. Maybe the idiot actually realized for once just how much he needed Loki around. Thor didn't have that compunction keeping him quiet - he had no problem threatening Loki from the other side of Hati. Loki just stuck his tongue out at him when he wasn't looking and kept on.

As the distance ticked past and Hati stopped responding to his insults entirely, Loki started to get mildly concerned. His insults and heckling started to get much more pointed and direct in the hopes of rousing his lethargic brother to anger, but Hati remained indifferent. Finally Loki fell silent as well - not because his voice had given out or because he'd run out of things to say, but simply because he wasn't willing to waste his breath on something that was obviously not working. He was trying to decide whether he should just insist that Hati stop, when he realized that Hati had stopped, in fact had slipped quietly to the ground several steps ago.

Loki did an abrupt about-face, ears pinned back in annoyance. For a moment he actually considered doing exactly what Hati had demanded of him - turn around and just walk away. Even Thor seemed to be at least mildly indifferent to Hati's plight. But the idea of doing something that Hati had demanded rankled.

"Oh, for the love of... I'm not going to be going anywhere," he snapped, thoroughly pissed that he needed to save Hati - though on second thought the realization that Hati would be just as pissed was pretty appealing. "And you're not going to die, so just shut up before you make Thor keel over from your breath."

The slim black wolf threw back his head and loosed a loud howl, a call for help from anyone nearby. Lowering his muzzle, he stared at Hati, furious green eyes daring him to protest.
