



5 Years
01-31-2014, 11:34 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Anais was all smiles as she wound through the vegetation alongside the river, excitement urging her along. It was thrilling to have made the journey to her father's home all on her own; likely Nako had already beaten her to this accomplishment, but not even that could shake her sense of delighted adventure. Of course, thinking of him, of family, also got her thinking about what her mother would say when she returned, none of which she imagined would be good. Especially knowing what she wished to do. But Tahlia had been giving them more freedom, so Anais hoped it meant her absence would not be noticed before her return.

She was still searching and staring around her at the Rio Grande when she heard the voice of her father carry over the noise of the water next to her. It stole her attention completely, almost made her trip as she moved, and just as the pleased smile on her face broke into an unrestrained grin her stumbling paws were moving swiftly into a race. Knowing Bane was so near, she could hardly be expected to keep a slow pace - or at least slow relative to how fast she could run.

"Dad!" No sooner than she saw him, her tail was wagging away excitedly. She bounded right up to him - less fearful this time that he would fail to notice who she was - and did not stop until she was right before him, bumping into his leg and shoulder as she somewhat skidded to a stop. Soft yips and quiet whines were made as she practically danced on her feet before him, nuzzling him and licking at his chin. "I missed you," she admitted, ears tucking slightly with her admission. The intent of her visit aside, she really was just glad to be with him again.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.