
Baby take me high

Twig I


01-31-2014, 12:15 PM

She was glad that he would refrain from moving any closer, his form was as still as hers had been. His attention seemed quite focused on her, and as he spoke she would lower her marked crown once again. "Miss? You may come out if you'd like. I mean no harm." he used soft tones, so her ever guarded self would not let them wash over her completely. In the back of her mind she still held the thought that it could be a trap. Still though, his smile was enough to at least beg her curiosity. Her hints of a smile would, incredibly, keep itself playing across her lips. To be so intrigued by a complete stranger felt odd, always she would push them away. He seemed different though.
Slowly her dark paws would shuffle from under the shadow of the canopy, she would bring herself only from underneath the shade. Her head would tilt to the side slightly as she felt her courage return. Still, she couldn't bring herself to trust completely, but her curiosity would allow her to indulge him. Slate ears were laid flat as her head was raised a bit, she was not scared of him, she just did not trust him. "Who are you?" she would ask quietly. The first question of many she had for him.
