
Roses, Roses, that's all your offering me


02-02-2014, 06:43 PM

Vahva had treated her wound, just as she said she would. Her left limb now wrapped up in a makeshift bandage that she had made herself out of tree bark and cobwebs. Also she had taken the herbs needed to make sure it would not get infected, now all she had to do in this small over growth of tree's was wait for Gael to come speak to her. She was now broken down, simply because of her feelings for the place in a whole. She hated the world turning its back on her, she hated how she had never been the one anyone looked after. She had always, always, been on her own, no one cared. Half the time she wondered why she cared at all. Vahva had been a bastard child, her existence was a flaw. She had been enslaved and beaten had a short reign because she figured she could make something of herself here. Vahva took in deep breaths to make sure she wouldn't cry.
Lowering her head, the blue maned woman's red eyes starred out of the entrance. Clearly not cut out to be a warrior, not just yet anyway. Vahva had to get rid of her depression, she needed to return to her locked up emotions. Her sudden flare of fear of the white albino was like the time being countlessly beaten by her captors. She shivered, covering her front muzzle with her paws. Gritting her teeth together. That fear she needed to conceal, and until then, she didn't want to see the disappointed faces of her family. Even when it felt like they cared of nothing.
