


02-01-2014, 10:09 PM

Vahva would not have known something like this to happen. Her family she had just rejoined, and now it was about to be taken away from her. The usually calm and collective female came to the call with her hackles raised and bristling. She could see the others already gathered, and there was a woman, and the ice king there already. She held down her anger, but her red eyes showed the obvious furious signs. Her temper had risen, the odd temper she had been born with was raising. As a deep growl grew in the deep of her throat. "What the fuck are you doing?" He question obviously centered towards the other side. Her eyes glaring at Isardis. "Was injuring every fuckin wolf in my family not enough for you. Winning a war that was only something a fool would commence in. Honestly how much of a dick can you be. Eventually this will all come back to you, and you won't just rot in the ground. You'll burn in a place that is worse than hell you bastard." Her tail raised. As her attention turned to Artemis. "Not that I think you'll win, but if you do, guarantee that you will get a scar from me. I will gladly fucking take back this pack for my friends and family. I just got them back, I won't let the world turn its back on me twice." Her teeth snapped as she suddenly noticed that she had lost her temper.
The woman's hackles went down, her eyes closed as she backed away and gave in a deep breath. Oh how she had probably dug her own grave now. Her eyes went to the others wondering what they'd think. Probably more trouble for Valhalla anyway. She tucked her tail between her legs promptly slightly afraid. But then raised it again, her calm self seeming to return as she moved back farther. Away from the rest, she sat away. And her eyes locked on her alphess. She was furious, Chrysanthe, you better fucking win she thought in her head.
